Tuesday, January 26, 2010

turn my head with talk of summertime....

have you ever wished you were someone other than yourself?

now i know those of you who insist you're perfectly happy with being who you are and anyone who wishes they were someone else doesn't have enough self confidence are going to say no.


you so wished you were the pink power ranger, or Zelda, or the yellow teletubbie. ;) ok so not Lala (Yeah..that's the teletubbie....Becki was obsessed!!) anyway at this moment I wish I was Christine Daae. I LOVE the Phantom of the Opera. I just finished watching it with my wonderful boyfriend. And EVERY time i watch this movie i wish i was her. i want a gorgeous singing voice and beautiful dresses that enhance my chest by 50% and i want to perfectly splendid men after me. what happened to the good ol' days when men fought over women through poetic song and sword fights over your late father's grave? now you're lucky if you get a text message.

ok that's not completely true. i'm super lucky. my boyfriend and i work at the same place but we had different hours today, he worked in the afternoon and i worked in the evening, anyway when i got to work there was a red hibiscus in my box. i knew he left it for me. :) i thought that was really sweet. and ANY guy that will watch the Phantom with you is worth keeping.
Also i love her hair. :) i wish my hair was that long and curly. my hair isn't curly OR straight it's this freaky wavy thing that sort of kind of curls occasionally but mostly i just look like a wet cat.
anyhow. til next time folks.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

la la life

So today was fun. i saved a butterfly, had fun in the halls with my red light up bouncy ball snuggled down and enjoyed a well deserved cat nap and here i am now. We're reading the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for my Eng 362 class (American Lit from Mid 19th c. to WWI)

It was odd, as i was reading huck finn the thought struck me: what if mark twain was a chick? i mean i know he wasn't cause we have all sorts of evidence and stuff, but you know that chicks wrote under guys names all the time back then, so why not. any how, it was just on account of something he said when he was describing some of the guys, he said they were beautiful. anyhow i thought it was odd, kind of like how S.E. Hinton descibes all the guys in the gang the same way a chick would. and guess what Hinton is totally a chick, who was obsessed with ponies when she was little, hence Ponyboy. doesn't make the story bad or anything, i love it just the same, maybe more cause it was written by a chick but anyway those are some of my thoughts.

all in all my life is going quite splendidly, nelli and i only have one class together this semester, but we still see each other like all the time. seriously if we're not in class or at work or something we can usually be found hopping and skipping around campus....ok we walk, but i like the way hopping and skipping sounds.

i have fantastic classes. i love all of them (so far....you see i have one class i haven't had yet cause it's a second block class, anyway it doesn't start til ending of feb but i've heard the teacher is really good so we'll see). i'm at Jake's house right now, everything is going great between us. right now we're watching, well we WILL be watching Firefly, it's a completely awesome western space series that unfortunately ended and concluded with a movie after a short 14 episodes. anyhow, over and out until next time. :)