Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Change of Heart?

Not quite yet; I mean, I’m sure I’ll get there eventually. But here’s the thing, every time I think about Europe, a little part of me turns bitter because my sister was sent there and I had to earn it. I don’t want any of my experience with Europe to be bitter. I want to enjoy every second because I deserve it. I earned it; I spent weeks writing the paper that got accepted into the conference that finally gave me the excuse to go; I spent weeks—months even—saving the money so we could go.

I was reading my friend’s blog, and I am a huge believer in Karma. One of the quotes she put up really hit home: “How People Treat You is Their Karma, How You React is Yours” Wayne Dyer. So my parents and sister may be setting up some bad Karma for themselves, but how I react to it is all my karma, and I don’t want any bad juju out there. Am I over it? Not by a long shot, but I’m not going to focus on it anymore. I’m not going to let it taint my taste of Europe.