Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Guess who is Employed?!

Ladies and Gentlebugs,

I can now announce that I have a job! I’ve known about it for a little while, but I didn’t want to say anything about it in case it fell through—things (like Korea) like that happen to us.


So I’ll be teaching a Technical Writing class—which, from what i understand, is like remedial remedial English. On your left is the book I’ll be using. I just need to read it…Honesty, no big deal; the class doesn’t start until April. So I have the rest of February and all of March to read it (of course don’t let me know that or else it will NEVER get done…haha). Jake is still looking, and we’re both getting a little bored with not having jobs. Yeah, it was nice at first—all day doing whatever we want…but one day you wake up and realize that there is NOTHING on your to-do list, and getting out of bed just doesn’t seem worth it—that is how you know that you need a job…oh and the fact that the money in your checking account keeps dropping. Haha.

We’ve mostly been keeping busy with people’s birthday presents we needed to pick up, filing taxes (Yeah, that bored), reading, writing, drawing, coloring; you know, anything that a 10-year-old (like old school 10-year-old, not a modern 10-year-old) would do for fun (minus filing taxes of course). Anyway, the plan is to KEEP looking for jobs (I have a for sure job that is only a term long; the girl that usually teaches this class is out on maternity leave, and so she’ll be back in the summer), figure out which grad school we’re going to go to (we’re leaning towards U of Oregon—the green duck one) and figure out how much we need to save up to make sure we have some where to stay while we’re in London. (if you know anywhere cheap where couples can go, that’d be sweet—we don’t want roommates, been there done that…) :D

Friday, February 3, 2012

“Come, and dream with me.”


I believe this is one of those movies you either get or you don’t.

I went and saw Hugo with my husband and brother-in-law today. They complained of a lack of plot line, action, or anything remarkably interesting. I found the opposite to be true. This little boy with his dark hair and bright blue eyes living in a world of machines found his way into my heart. Hugo touched me. It was magical. It was about a little lost boy finding his place, his purpose. It was about innocence, hope, dreams, adventure; it was about heartache, loss, and being lost, about not knowing who you are, or where you fit, about losing all the dreams you worked so hard for. It’s about fixing what was broken, finding what was lost, and finding the key that unlocks the path home. I feel changed; maybe it will wear off, but i hope it doesn’t. It was about magic. It was about love.

like i said, you either get it,

or you don’t.


and that’s okay, too.