Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So I’m reading a chapter in my online health class about stress management. Here are their 7 tips.
1. Eat a balanced Diet
2. Exercise Regularly
3. Get Enough Sleep
4. Manage your time more effectively
5. Laugh often
6. Think positively
7. Implement a relaxation technique in your life

These are their answers….well…we’ll see. I laugh all the time but I still have headaches like mad. I don’t eat regularly…but I should. Mostly it’s cause I’m eating cafĂ© food and no one eats well there. I don’t exercise cause I’m lazy…I want to…I just never do. Sleep? Bahahaha! I’m a college student. I don’t sleep, I nap. Managing time? I manage to waste my time…does that count? Positive thinking…well I think I do that..sometimes…occasionally…haha ok I dunno when. Relaxing techniques? I don’t have time I’m too busy trying to eat well, exercise, sleep, manage to waste extra time, laugh, and think! Sheesh what do these people want from me! ;)

Monday, November 23, 2009

attacks on faith

What can you tell someone who believes you’re evil? Someone who thinks not just ill of you, but thinks of you the way an exorsist thinks of the damned? How do you show them the light? The peace? The hope? How do you express the wholeness you feel? How do you show them the blessings?

My once friend asked me a question. Are you a Christian? I answered, as I’ve always believed, as I believe and as I know is truth: Yes. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As stated in our name, we are followers of Christ. He then began his bashing. Telling me I was not only wrong, but hell-driven, and gravely mistaken. He spoke of our beloved prophet, claiming he was out for naught but power. I asked him to show me the power, or the money he received, because it was none. Joseph Smith received ridicule. He received burns from hot tar. He received lifelong scars that came from the removal of the tar. He was a patient and God-loving man. They say it’s healthy to be god-fearing. To a degree I agree. But I also believe that love is a greater tool than fear. I fear a snake’s venom, but this makes me avoid the snake. I love my Father in Heaven, I love Christ, thus I seek after them and seek to be obedient to their commandments. Do I fail? Of course, I am human.

He called us a “flippin cult,” Furthermore he says, “ its only been recent you’ve added Jesus Christ to your name for political reasons. You’ve been taught many lies growing up and now will learn the hard way unless you understand what is truth!...but I want you to realize just like you I have 18 years under my belt with my faith. So yea I don’t move easily when I look at the bible and the book of mormon. It doesn’t add up at all.” But he didn’t read it. He googled it. He youtubed it. He didn’t try to understand. I never asked him to convert. Never asked him to get baptized.

I just answered a question.

My association with this unnamed satan follower….ok he’s not really a satan follower but it sure felt like it sometimes, anyway my association with this unnamed boy has been severed. That bridge has been burnt. Do I hope he burns in hell?


No. I can’t. it’s not really in my nature. Nor is it Christian to do so. :) thus I hope he finds his way to heaven…somehow. I’m not going to pursue the friendship anymore though, it doesn’t bring anything but contention and I won’t have that. I wish him the best. And I have this to say and then I won’t think of it again…until next fast & testimony meeting…it’s not a wonder he doesn’t have any friends, he tells them all what they believe, he gets his information from faulty resources, and they become frustrated because he won’t listen to truth, won’t listen to reason, so they drop him. As I have done.

My piece is said. And I know that I am at peace with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 13, 2009

the memoir

In my writing for publication class we are currently studying the art of memoirs. Sadly, there is not enough truth to go into a memoir about me or my childhood to make it even slightly interesting. Believe me i've tried. i always get stuck after "I was born..."

i am a Fiction writer. my body and mind ease into the world of fiction like a fish into water, it's simply something that is naturally put and naturally belongs. as i walked to breakfast this morning after the current down pour that Laie has been experiencing, i noticed puddles. puddles in the flowerbeds. puddles on the sidewalk, puddles. oh the very many puddles i noted. but upon closer inspection i found that they were not puddles at all, no, not puddles in the slightest! they were, in fact, worlds. there was a world of mermaids in the lagoon with giant flowers, an entire civilization grew and flourished near the lake with the cemement soiled bottom.

this is the world i live in. i cannot write a memoir, for others will call it false and call it fiction, but the truth of the matter is the world in my head is more realistic than any "reality" through which others percieve their lives.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the story continued from the minds of the

Key: Danica Nelli (anything in italics is singing)

So after Princess Nelli and her igor, Danica, found the duke, they questioned his relationship with the blonde dragon. All the while, Princess Nelli was thinking about other men and Danica was thinking about another Igor because tey both know they could never win the Duke's heart. Plus they didn't really want it, he was the hunchback really, and he was more-or-less a part of their club and you can't date club members cause that's weird!! But they both thought about it...back to the questioning...To dragon or not to dragon, that is to say, would they allow the Duke/Hunchback to get eaten by a dragon? With fallen faces they let the dragon eat the Duke because they knew it made him happy. No more trio...
I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, our trio's down to two...
oh :(
The sweet caress of twilight, there's magic everywhere, and with all this romanic atmosphere, DISASTERS in the air!!
This makes me want to cry! Cursed DRAGON! Don't eat my friend...i kill you
Oh dear, Back to the story!
So one day (after disowning the Duke) Princess Nelli said Danica could be a princess too because they're cousins so it's only right. "But there is only ONE Goddess and that's ME!" uh...ok, anyway so Princess Nelli and Princess Danica were surfing one day when all of the sudden a walrus flopped onto Danica's board. The quick-thinking Danica pulled out a wigi board and called upon the ocean spirits to save her. They came and said "You bad girl, you should not have a wigi board..." so a shark came and ate it. Just as it bit the wigi board it also bit Nelli's arm and leg off. Nelli said " YOU M&%@!^&F%#(?}S#&(B$%$#$ and she pulled out her knife with her unhurt arm and cut the $%^&*(*&^%$$%^&* to pieces...she was crazed and almost cut off her good leg, but didn't. Unfortunately all the blood had attracted other sharks so soon danica and Nelli were surrounded. Danica quickly pretended to be dead, like an opossum. Nelli continued to yell and out of nowhere a canoe full of sexy mustaches came to rescue the girls. The most handsome mustache jumped into the water and pick up both girls. He saw Danica and fell in love. He threw Nelli on the canoe and said "Take care of the bleeding one." Nelli was floating in and out of consciousness, she met a mustache on the canoe who held her and said, "Unfortunately you're going to die." Upon hearing this Nelli knocked the mustache off his face and said, "Nuh-uh!" Once his mustache came off she noticed he was quite sexy and said "Oops..." she turned her head from left to right in embarrassment, "My bad." Danica saw this and laughed, then passionately jumped off the canoe into the blood-ridden waters to rescue her surfboard. Nelli suddenly saw a giant whale, but she spoke whale and asked it not to hurt her igor. Then Nelli turned to Danica and said, "Your priorities are wacked! Get back up here and kiss your mustache and come clog up my bleeding. Aren't you a lifeguard?" Danica responded with "I'd rather be at scare school...Boo."
the end...for now

Thursday, November 5, 2009

a man, a mustache and one very happy girl

So as some may know, my quest in remaining...boyless is over. that is to say, i found a man. :)

to protect his identity he will be referred to merely as "the mustache". you know, it's his gang name. like Benny "The Rat" Rodrigues. just works. you know, i guess the "stache" would sound better but i like the whole word and it's my blog so i get to write what i like.

So i met the mustache in a class. we both happened to be taking writing for publication. he sat a seat away from me, that is to say there was someone sitting between us. we often met mid-glance, for his glance intersected my glance's journey towards the clock. i must admit....i looked often. now i will confess to you now that i've always had a bit of a thing for 'staches. i dunno why, maybe some innate instinct draws me towards fur....would explain my love of all furry animals also. the courting began when we started sharing our bits of writing with each other (it was a class assignment to write 2,000-3,000 words and e-mail it to all in the class....all 11 of us) thus i recieved his e-mail with the attachment of a sci-fi piece i found myself pulled into. the editing began. and i sent my piece out shortly after, i recieved a response, with it my piece back-having been edited. i responded. soon after he requested my friendship on the commonly known facebook. his quest for a date-nearly completely, my quest to stay single-nearly failed.
we went to see a movie. it was were the wild things are. after psychoanalyzing nearly ever scene, after sharing hot tamales and gummy bears, there was something quite clear to both of us. this was a very good idea. the courting continued, and now i sit before you, the girlfriend of the mustache.

am i saddened that my mission failed? no. i actually think i've been happier these last two weeks than i have been in quite sometime. well my now grapefruit-breathed mustache sits next to me as i type, i really should begin editing his second piece...and sams if he ever sends it....probably not. :)
i bid you adieu, farewell and good riddens !! (just kidding)...sorta

Monday, November 2, 2009

a love with peter and unicorns

j.m. barrie was inspired to write peter pan just for me.

ok so i'm quite selfish. according to the gopel of danica:
1. the ocean
2. surfing
3. peter pan
4. cats
5. chocolate
6. josh groban
7. italian

were all invented/born/or brought to this world specifically to make ME, DANICA PALMER, happy. :)

so here's what i'm thinking, although i have midterms, although i have loads of homework-my goal in life is to be a children's writer, right? (the answer is yes) so i have to keep my head there, in the easy-go-lucky, magical fairy land which children reside in. so i'm going to take a few of my favorite books, the last unicorn, peter pan, the two princesses of bamarre (my most favoritest book EVER), and the adventures of alice in wonderland/through the looking glass (it's 2 stories in one book) all to school with me. i'll read them throughout the week (as soon as i finish angels & demons) and keep my head happy.

i find my heart ever so content in the land of make-believe. it breaks my heart that peter was so featherbrained, but alas, most boys that age are and he has been that age for quite a long time. his explinations are fantastic though. "You see, Wendy, when the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies." (35-36) I always wanted peter to come and take me from my window and fly me to neverland. i'm not like Wendy, i would have stayed with him, gone on all the adventures, even become better at sword fighting than he. i would have embraced it. but at 19, i think a 15 year old in some leaves is a bit young for me. i'd never the heart to ask him to stay, even if only for a few years to even the ages between us.

For those of you who have never read the first unicorn i must urge you to read it. it's by far one of my favorites.
alas my lids grow heavy and i know the ocean's siren call will becon me come morning.
until next time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the middle-of-the-term tests!! MID-TERMS....yikes

so here i am.
in the library.

maybe i should be studying for my midterms....afterall that is the title of this particular blog so it only seems fair that i should at least study. well i will.
right now i will talk about them. but in such a way that will (hopefully) excite you, and me and thus inspire me to get a move on. my first class of the week, Writing for Publication (Eng. 415) is a wonderful class. SOOO wonderful that our midterm is writing. i love writing. it's why i'm taking the class....hell it's why i blog! my next class of the week is Sharing the Gospel (Rel 130). Our midterm requires memorizing 3-5 principles from each of the 7 chapters we've covered and writing paragraphs on them...from memory. ok moving on. so next there's Fundamentals of English (Eng. 251) this is a fun class. He even gave us a study sheet, with everything we have to study on it...listed...alphabetically. the only letters that DON'T have something listed are: ...uh oh, i can't find my study sheet... well there goes that. and my other two classes don't have midterms at least i don't think so.

i'm sorry i've taken up so much of your time babbling. but the post is called midterms and is obvioulsy a means of procrastination. if you've read this far, i thank you greatly and will now end the misery by simply beginning my studies...well except for eng 251 since i can't seem to locate my papers. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

moving on to bigger and better things

so i should be doing homework. i will...tomorrow. right now i'm learning about 3 things i should do:

1. Just stop looking right now
2. Clear your mind
3.Live your life right now

my friend said it to me while we were talking about my increasing bad luck and how much i hate that i can't just let the feelings i have go. so i'm going to focus on these three things. i'm going to stop looking, for anything for everything. (except my keys...those i gotta find!) I'm not going to worry about anything anymore, I'm going to let stuff come to me (well most things). As far as guys go i'm going to do my best and stick to my earlier commitment of leaving them alone until Oct 2010. how well that will we'll see. but i'm most definately done looking. clearing my mind. i need to do this and i've found it's easiest to do when i'm surfing. i'm seriously considering taking my board to school with me...i never surf over there but that's only cause i can never find a spot that has waves that are breaking AND that those waves won't kill me. so again, we'll see. :) living life right now-i'm learning to do ths more and more. mostly i'm learning to live to surf. i've discovered boys are my kryptonite and surfing will forever be my spinach. it makes me whole again.

wish me luck on my quest and enjoy the stories posted by nelli & me, we each take a line, i started and she's after and it swaps every line. we used different fonts too, make it easier on everyone.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A story from the minds of the brilliant mad


there was a funny looking girl named Nelli. But the fact was she was not funny looking at all, in actuality she was a BEAUTIFUL Princess who ruled the world! so on one of her "ruling the world days," she noticed that some of her servants had died in horrible murderous looking deaths....but she wanted to paint her nails, so they'd have to wait. Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the room where she was painting her nails and spilled the bottle of nail polish.
"Damn it!" she said, running towards the window to slam shut. "DANICA," she called to her servent girl who rushed into the room to do what ever the Princess desired.
"yess, princess." Danica said, her bum leg dragging behind her as she wheezed up the stairs, why the hell does the princess live 40 stories up, it's not like there's a dragon guarding her...if we could be so lucky.

"Clean up this mess, and when you are done with that finish painting my nails.... i need to look my best for when Duke Sam comes to visit."
"the duke is coming again, princess?" Danica said, i wish i had a prince...hell i wish i could walk.

The two gilrs had a love hate relationship that upon closer look would reveale the true affection they felt for eachother, unfortunately they both wanted the duke for themselves. How couldn't they, every girl in the kingdom wanted him, they suspected there might be a blonde dragon who had the hots for him....he might be under her evil spell.
to be continued....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

fairytales and peter pan

i've decided i don't know who i really am. i have a general idea. but i would like to know all the details. i can't discover them if i'm too busy fussing over some guy, making sure his needs are met and i can't afford to lose the precious time i have by being hurt because he's too self-absorbed to meet my needs.

i want to see the world. i want to revisit my fairytales, fall in love with peter pan all over again. i want to see my dark side as well as my shining light side. i will follow my dreams. i wanna write, i wanna sing, i wanna dance and i don't want anyone to tell me i can't. i want to live in the fairytale i've been creating all these years. i want to complete it. i want mara & parks to find their fairy friend, i want them to save the day. i want to create 11 more adventures for children to sink their teeth into and swim with mermaids and play with pixies in the tall grasses.

guys are out of the picture. am i fully swearing them off? no. but am i going to make any effort to be anything but commonly friendly? no. by october of next year i want to be fully comfortable with who i am as a woman, as a writer, as a goofball, as everything i am before i become comfortable with being whomever's girlfriend.

besides....boys are stupid anyway ;)

as i lay, my heart dying

i give



now i've met a guy.
i know what you're thinking : oh jeeze, it's this going to be one of those blogs that look like they might be about something substancial only to end up being about boys?!
no. this blog will not be like that...i mean we all have those problems so it will come up, but this is merely a story to show...well just read it and find out.
now i've met a guy. he's a nice guy. he seems to understand me, well what i've let him see. he sees my love of words, and is easy to talk to, easy to laugh with. he gets my thing for cats even if he doesn't agree. anyway we're hitting it off pretty well right? and then his long lost girlfriend shows up...yeah, lucky me.
but here's the thing. we're just gunna see how it plays out. if he's still in love with her, then he should be with her and i won't stand in the way, it's too high school. but if he finds she's changed and he can't relate to her anymore then we'll see where we go... either way i'm playing it by ear. i'm playing it day by day.

i can't catch a wave that hasn't come yet. :) wish me luck...wish for hope

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


i believe i will cease my interations with men at this point in my life....oh yes, i've said this many a time, and every time my heart falls weakly proving my humanity more and more. but i find i pick the wrong sorts. i discovered over a fantastically wild summer that i am more than able of existing on my own. i can and have formed friendships and more importantly i have begun to find the person i want to be, the person that i was is someone irratable and frustrated. men make me this way. when it was only the beach, me and work, i was calm and carefree, i allowed things to come and go as they pleased and i felt no obligation to anyone or anything. my sole purpose was to renew my soul in the oceans sweet waves and allow her to be the one great power over me.

unfortunately school has started and i find myself being roped in by that world of men once again. i miss my carefree self, i do not remember how to be carefree when around these apollonian men. i need the water, i need to remember to breath

Monday, September 28, 2009

"thanks for being there"

Perhaps that is all I am ever meant to do. Simply to act the crutch to those who need support. To succor their hearts between heartbreaks but never to be truly taken in by them. I am merely the stepping stone to their next great and grand adventure. My hearts sinks at this epiphany. For how my it grieves, how it longs for a soul with whom I may love and be loved, with whom my greatest wants, wishes, desires and fears are to be confided. But nay. I fear my destiny is only to act as a support. To fall for those around me, to care for them just long enough to build their confidence so they may shed me like a skin too small and move on to the one they will really love, to one that they will not out grow but grow with. How melancholy this news is.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

sailing abroad the grand open sea

Upon casting off, I found myself instantly in love, fascinatingly drawn in; I found I could not take my eyes off the ocean. I had always known of my affections for her salty kisses that enveloped me upon entering into her mists, but I’d never really relished the amount of joy I drew simply by gazing upon her.

This is the boat I rode upon. For now she rides with no name and a captain that is still rather green, though growing each day. I suspect we are all captains of our own vessels that are still rather new to us, and we also enlist the help of friends and family to help us steer our course and arrive to our native boat harbor safely without dinging up the boat too badly. As we ventured into the open sea, a weathered sailor, our young captain, his hanai mom and her kin, and I; we took turns steering the boat, learning the various names for various parts. I’ve discovered I’m rather in love with sailing. I understand why people choose to give up all their worldly belongings to venture on quests to sail around the world with only that which will fit on their boats and not a penny more.

There is certainly something invigorating about being able to leave everything behind at a moments notice, knowing everything that is of any importance is right there with you. Men who have not sailed must, it is as John Denver says “he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly." i agree in the sense that he'd be a poorer man if he never sailed the ocean blue.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Upon entrance of the blogging world i must introduce myself and those who will accompany me on this journey into the unknown. my name is danica palmer, i am 19 years old soon to be twenty! i am an english major, though i am quite a bad speller. i do not like to capatalize and i have recently fell in love with surfing though i have always been one with the water, especially the ocean. i live in hawaii and i love it.

this is to be a record of dreams, a record of hopes, and a record of daily experiences. recently my friend, nelli, who is my kindred spirit, and i have begun embarking on fantastic adventures in our everyday lives, i hope to record them here. i am currently a student and i believe skipping class is healthy as long as you do it in moderation.

for now i close with the hopes and dreams we will meet again soon. and thus my diary has begun