Wednesday, September 14, 2011

panic attacks before the plunge

did i sleep in? danica, it's wednesday, your class doesn't start until tomorrow and it's at noon.

did i forget something important on my syllabus? danica, you've been over it a gazillion million times and even IF you did forget something, you're human. get over it

did they order the right books?
NO! NO they most certainly did not. TIME TO PANIC. Let's all run around screaming with our hands flying in the air. No sense of direction, no sense of order. just complete chaos email the class NOW and tell them. it's two weeks before you actually read that book, it should have time to get here if they order now.

this has been brain since monday.
i literally broke down in my office because the bookstore ordered the wrong book. now i know this doesn't seem awful, but when your questions deal with line numbers and the book they ordered doesn't have them, it means you get to go back through and rewrite your assignments. While my husband was being wonderful and trying to give suggestions, all his suggestions seemed to emphasize the amount of work i had ahead of me due to this failure.
but i breathed.
i emailed the class
and now i breath again

i need a Lamaze class. or at least a heavier dose of yoga.


i start class tomorrow
my class is predominately white males
the ONE thing i was really worried about (other than them ordering the wrong books).

lots and lots of breathing

wish me luck