Monday, October 26, 2009

the middle-of-the-term tests!! MID-TERMS....yikes

so here i am.
in the library.

maybe i should be studying for my midterms....afterall that is the title of this particular blog so it only seems fair that i should at least study. well i will.
right now i will talk about them. but in such a way that will (hopefully) excite you, and me and thus inspire me to get a move on. my first class of the week, Writing for Publication (Eng. 415) is a wonderful class. SOOO wonderful that our midterm is writing. i love writing. it's why i'm taking the class....hell it's why i blog! my next class of the week is Sharing the Gospel (Rel 130). Our midterm requires memorizing 3-5 principles from each of the 7 chapters we've covered and writing paragraphs on them...from memory. ok moving on. so next there's Fundamentals of English (Eng. 251) this is a fun class. He even gave us a study sheet, with everything we have to study on it...listed...alphabetically. the only letters that DON'T have something listed are: ...uh oh, i can't find my study sheet... well there goes that. and my other two classes don't have midterms at least i don't think so.

i'm sorry i've taken up so much of your time babbling. but the post is called midterms and is obvioulsy a means of procrastination. if you've read this far, i thank you greatly and will now end the misery by simply beginning my studies...well except for eng 251 since i can't seem to locate my papers. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

moving on to bigger and better things

so i should be doing homework. i will...tomorrow. right now i'm learning about 3 things i should do:

1. Just stop looking right now
2. Clear your mind
3.Live your life right now

my friend said it to me while we were talking about my increasing bad luck and how much i hate that i can't just let the feelings i have go. so i'm going to focus on these three things. i'm going to stop looking, for anything for everything. (except my keys...those i gotta find!) I'm not going to worry about anything anymore, I'm going to let stuff come to me (well most things). As far as guys go i'm going to do my best and stick to my earlier commitment of leaving them alone until Oct 2010. how well that will we'll see. but i'm most definately done looking. clearing my mind. i need to do this and i've found it's easiest to do when i'm surfing. i'm seriously considering taking my board to school with me...i never surf over there but that's only cause i can never find a spot that has waves that are breaking AND that those waves won't kill me. so again, we'll see. :) living life right now-i'm learning to do ths more and more. mostly i'm learning to live to surf. i've discovered boys are my kryptonite and surfing will forever be my spinach. it makes me whole again.

wish me luck on my quest and enjoy the stories posted by nelli & me, we each take a line, i started and she's after and it swaps every line. we used different fonts too, make it easier on everyone.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A story from the minds of the brilliant mad


there was a funny looking girl named Nelli. But the fact was she was not funny looking at all, in actuality she was a BEAUTIFUL Princess who ruled the world! so on one of her "ruling the world days," she noticed that some of her servants had died in horrible murderous looking deaths....but she wanted to paint her nails, so they'd have to wait. Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the room where she was painting her nails and spilled the bottle of nail polish.
"Damn it!" she said, running towards the window to slam shut. "DANICA," she called to her servent girl who rushed into the room to do what ever the Princess desired.
"yess, princess." Danica said, her bum leg dragging behind her as she wheezed up the stairs, why the hell does the princess live 40 stories up, it's not like there's a dragon guarding her...if we could be so lucky.

"Clean up this mess, and when you are done with that finish painting my nails.... i need to look my best for when Duke Sam comes to visit."
"the duke is coming again, princess?" Danica said, i wish i had a prince...hell i wish i could walk.

The two gilrs had a love hate relationship that upon closer look would reveale the true affection they felt for eachother, unfortunately they both wanted the duke for themselves. How couldn't they, every girl in the kingdom wanted him, they suspected there might be a blonde dragon who had the hots for him....he might be under her evil spell.
to be continued....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

fairytales and peter pan

i've decided i don't know who i really am. i have a general idea. but i would like to know all the details. i can't discover them if i'm too busy fussing over some guy, making sure his needs are met and i can't afford to lose the precious time i have by being hurt because he's too self-absorbed to meet my needs.

i want to see the world. i want to revisit my fairytales, fall in love with peter pan all over again. i want to see my dark side as well as my shining light side. i will follow my dreams. i wanna write, i wanna sing, i wanna dance and i don't want anyone to tell me i can't. i want to live in the fairytale i've been creating all these years. i want to complete it. i want mara & parks to find their fairy friend, i want them to save the day. i want to create 11 more adventures for children to sink their teeth into and swim with mermaids and play with pixies in the tall grasses.

guys are out of the picture. am i fully swearing them off? no. but am i going to make any effort to be anything but commonly friendly? no. by october of next year i want to be fully comfortable with who i am as a woman, as a writer, as a goofball, as everything i am before i become comfortable with being whomever's girlfriend.

besides....boys are stupid anyway ;)

as i lay, my heart dying

i give



now i've met a guy.
i know what you're thinking : oh jeeze, it's this going to be one of those blogs that look like they might be about something substancial only to end up being about boys?!
no. this blog will not be like that...i mean we all have those problems so it will come up, but this is merely a story to show...well just read it and find out.
now i've met a guy. he's a nice guy. he seems to understand me, well what i've let him see. he sees my love of words, and is easy to talk to, easy to laugh with. he gets my thing for cats even if he doesn't agree. anyway we're hitting it off pretty well right? and then his long lost girlfriend shows up...yeah, lucky me.
but here's the thing. we're just gunna see how it plays out. if he's still in love with her, then he should be with her and i won't stand in the way, it's too high school. but if he finds she's changed and he can't relate to her anymore then we'll see where we go... either way i'm playing it by ear. i'm playing it day by day.

i can't catch a wave that hasn't come yet. :) wish me luck...wish for hope