Thursday, February 25, 2010


No, it's not a new college i'm thinking of attending. NULC is actually a conference. It’s held at Weber State University every year. Or at least that’s what my understanding is. It’s the National Undergraduate (that’s me) Literature Conference. Now don’t misunderstand, I’m not the only one who’s going. Actually from my school alone there’ll be 10 of us. Anyway, we arrive in Utah the morning of March 31st. The conference goes until Saturday. Then we fly out round 3 on Sunday. Sucks that I’ll miss Easter, but it’s a great opportunity.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Amateur: A lover or someone pursuing something for love

Do you love the Olympics?? I do. I’m obsessed. I’m watching right now and I’m at work. Granted we have a TV at the RWC (Reading &Writing Center) but still. I’m watching John Weir skate….if you ask me, he should be John Weird. I’m sure I’m not the first to think that or to say it but I mean I KNOW figure skating involves glitter and glam, but he’s the fairest looking guy out there. I mean, look at Scott Hamilton. He still managed to look strong while skating like a fairy princess on clouds. I know I don’t have half the stamina that they need for skating. And I know absolutely NOTHING except how to tell the difference between a double and a triple…but that’s only ‘cause I can count.
I love the Olympics (my original point) because it’s amateurs. They compete because they LOVE their sport. Figure skating, snowboarding, skiing, you name it and they love it. When they were 8 they drew pictures of themselves winning the Olympics. They followed it because they LOVE it. love.


I love writing. I would love to make a living writing. Who thinks I can do it?
I do.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Woolf Woolf Meow

To the Lighthouse
By Virginia Woolf

I’m sitting in my English 376 class, We’re studying British Lit from 1890-present. We’re focusing on Gender, Nationalism, Colonialism, and The Modern Self…yeah, I still don’t know what “the modern self” is. But we’re figuring it out. “Ideology represents the imaginary relationships of individuals to their real conditions of existence.” (Karl Marx)…do you know what that means?? My teacher explained it through money. I understand the concept…kind of. Am I smart enough for this stuff?? I should be. I think I am. Sometimes it just goes way over my head…

Group time.

Here’s our section:
“James looked at the Lighthouse. He could see the white-washed rocks; the tower, stark, and straight; he could see that is was barred with black and white; he could see the windows in it; he could even see washing spread on the rocks to dry. So that was the Lighthouse, was it?
“No, the other was also the Lighthouse. For nothing was simply one thing.” (186)

Nothing was simply one thing.

Nothing was simply one thing.

Everything was/is/will be more than one thing, always. Our questions were: 1>Can you see an object from all sides at once? 2>If everything is at least 2 things, is it ever anything?

Yes. If something is two things it is still something. If a cat is a mammal and a female, it is still an animal. Does that make sense? Does any of this make sense?
I feel like I SHOULD be whinning…. Saying “When am I ever going to use this in real life?” but I’m not. I enjoy class. I love the ambiguity regarding these questions. I loved math for it’s reassurance that 2+2 will ALWAYS =4 (disregarding relativity). However, English is my passion because of the simple factor that you CAN NOT see an object from all sides at once.

You can’t look at one object at all sides at once without disrupting the structure. To maintain the object’s integrity you cannot take it apart, but taking it apart is the only way to see it from all angles at once…even cannot see a sheet of paper all at once. You say “yes you can” but I argue, NO.
You see the sheet of paper. But to see the other side you must flip it over, thus you cannot see it all at once.

Am I making sense?

Probably not. Anyway, it’s just what I was thinking about…

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the rise and fall of danica palmer

How am I supposed to make big decisions? You know the ones I mean. The big ones. The “after college” choices. I mean, you’re first 18 years of life are all about getting you into a good college, making sure you can pay for college, making sure your academics are good enough for college….what about AFTER college??
Here are my thoughts
Post college: How about getting married? How about moving to Europe? How about falling through space at a million miles an hour? Becoming a professional skydiver? Can you do that with a degree in English?? Why not?
I think your stomach should stop hurting when you think about this stuff. I think that hope should be a fighting force. I know that love is my past, present and future, I know that writing will continue to be a foundation upon which I build. I know that there are only three articles, the; a; an. There are some things I know that won’t change. For the rest of it…well…let’s find out.