Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 1

1. List 20 random facts about yourself

  1. I am self-conscious about my skin. Ever since I turned 12 and got my first pimple, I've been self-conscious about it. 
  2. I love pens, especially brightly colored pens. I anxiously await the beginning of school for the sole purpose of buying pens. 
  3. If I didn't need money to survive, I would never work. I would write all day.
  4. I hit 100,000 words on my book yesterday.
  5. I always wanted to wear glasses; I now have reading glasses, but I don't think it's the same. 
  6. When I have nothing to do, I sometimes daydream about sitting in a Barnes & Noble in New York for a book signing. I sign thousands of my books for my adoring readers. 
  7. When I have lots to do,  I sometimes daydream about sitting in a Barnes & Noble in New York for a book signing. I sign thousands of my books for my adoring readers. (I think about it a lot).
  8. I am incredibly meticulous about proofreading, and it frustrates me to no end when I publish something as little as an update on Facebook with a typo. 
  9. I want to be a runner, but there's one problem: I hate running. 
  10. I like how I look with earrings.
  11. I'd like to wear make-up; I just don't know how. 
  12. My wardrobe relies heavily on the "jeans and a T-shirt" look.
  13. If I consider myself a better writer than you, I'll have a really hard time taking good criticism on my writing from you--although I will eventually do so when I see you are right.
  14. I consider writing, knitting, and general crafting to be on my very short list of things I'm good at.
  15. I have a very long list of things I'm bad at.
  16. I don't mind ending sentences in prepositional phrases.
  17. I love cats. Truthfully, I love all animals (except bees).
  18. I'm terrified of bees, hornets, and anything else that can fly and sting me. 
  19. I really wanted to be a marine-biologist for a long time, and then, I found out I suck at biology. 
  20. I want to go to grad school, but I'm scared I'll never find one that will accept me.

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