Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the rise and fall of danica palmer

How am I supposed to make big decisions? You know the ones I mean. The big ones. The “after college” choices. I mean, you’re first 18 years of life are all about getting you into a good college, making sure you can pay for college, making sure your academics are good enough for college….what about AFTER college??
Here are my thoughts
Post college: How about getting married? How about moving to Europe? How about falling through space at a million miles an hour? Becoming a professional skydiver? Can you do that with a degree in English?? Why not?
I think your stomach should stop hurting when you think about this stuff. I think that hope should be a fighting force. I know that love is my past, present and future, I know that writing will continue to be a foundation upon which I build. I know that there are only three articles, the; a; an. There are some things I know that won’t change. For the rest of it…well…let’s find out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you ARE a writer aren't you!? Both a writer and a philosopher, I see. I guess, making big decisions have a lot to do with who you will be tomorrow. I think you have to know who you are NOW and build on that. You will know where you want to make changes and where you want to improve and you'll definitely know what you love about yourself and what you wouldn't change for anything. I think you're awesome Danica, wise beyond your years and whatever you do will be amazing. Love you buh bye
