Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello October!

i am desperate to add some fall colors to our little abode. we'll see if that actually happens. :) we can't use tapes, or stickies, or pretty much it's going to take some MAJOR creative juices to figure out how to get our tiny, little, obnoxiously-small studio (it's TINY!) all ready for the brilliance of Fall (which doesn't seem to exist in Hawaii...) that's ok.

So far school is going well. Teaching is a lot of fun, and my student seem to soak it all up. I really hope they learn to do that throughout their college experience, not just their Freshman year. One thing i really want to stress to them is to take what they learn in this class and help apply it to OTHER classes. for some reason the average student does not do this. they do not say, "OH! my last English teacher wanted a thesis statement, that must mean my English teacher NOW wants a thesis statement." You know?

I've been writing a lot :) I've started a new story. I won't tell you too much about it. There's a lot i'm still trying to figure out. if you're REALLY curious, let me know :)

i love Hawaii, it's wonderful...for summer.
(Warning: complaining Danica is coming out for a brief--hopefully--vent session)


I want beautiful red and gold leaves. I want chilly and crispy air. i want to snuggle up in the wonderful quilt my mother-in-law made and read a good book, while everyone else runs around in the cold outside :)

ok. well. that's all for now

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