Monday, January 30, 2012

A story without a title is a child without a name…

Here’s my dilemma (well it’s not technically a dilemma because the literal definition of dilemma is having to make a decision between two [di!] or more choices…and well, just keep reading): I have a story that’s about a third of the way written, and it is still nameless. (see, not technically a dilemma because there are no options I have to choose between)—I digress.

The real reason I’m so worried about this is because I usually come up with names first and stories after. This is the first time I’ve ever had a story (plot, characters, the whole shabang) and no title.

I guess it’s really no big deal, but I’ve been writing this story for a while, and I just kept thinking (and still am thinking) “Well, eventually the title will just come to you.” …But here I am, 51 pages later and still up a story without a title. I’m not looking for suggestions (because that means I’d have to share my plotline—which still isn’t worked out completely—with you so you could help me find an appropriate title); I guess I’m on here to just vent about it. I guess…I guess…seems like the older you get the more life becomes guesswork. :)

I think I’m going to snuggle up in bed, and see if I can get a couple more pages out today.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, titles come through the writing. Don't worry about it :)
