Wednesday, June 15, 2011


i'll admit. i'm pretty stoked. there is an advanced girl's water polo class going on during the summmer [yeah, that's right now] and it's $65 to do it...and i just paid the $65. I went yesterday. it was basically like practicing with Kahuku's jv team (not that that is any easier lol. they swam circles around me).

i'm nervous about it though...for a couple of different reasons:
1. i'm afraid it will start to feel like waterpolo practice. i like the idea of a summer 'class' where we play because we love playing. i don't want to have to be nervous in the water.
2. i'm going to continue to get schooled by 8th graders... i mean i knew i was out of shape when i started but this is pretty ridiculous...
3. i'm going to start comparing myself again like i used to when i played in high school and succeed in nothing but being discouraged and frustrated.

but my hopes are high. as long as i think about it like i'm there to just fill in so these girls have enough players to get experience then i think i'll be alright.

we were doing shots yesterday and i shot and one of the girls looked at me and said (completely shocked....and in awe) "you're left handed?" i confirmed that i am and she said "wow" (which is where the awe comes in...) ;]
it's 3 times a week. i guess we'll see how this goes. overall, i'm pretty stoked.


  1. You will be awesome! You can do it! You're way better than 8th graders!'re left handed?

  2. Only when i play polo. I'm right handed for everything else :)
