Saturday, May 11, 2013

I’m practically Michael Phelps, but with more clothes on (trust me it’s a good thing)

So, I’m good at lots of stuff: I’m a good sharer (it’s a real word), I’m good at procrastinating, and I’m like Olympic gold medal medal good at forgetting.

Being good at forgetting (Well, excellent in my case) has it’s Pros and Cons, just like being good at other stuff does (like, if you were good at wrestling bears, the pros would be that no bear would dare face you, and you’d have all these wicked awesome scars that would have super epic stories behind them. The cons would be that no bears would want to be your friend because you never want to just hang out at watch a movie—all you want to do is wrestle. That’s really the only con I could think of for being good at bear wrestling. I guess if you’re only good at bear wrestling, it’d be kind of hard to find a job after you wrestled every single bear alive. And wrestling baby bears would just be mean.)

Pros of being the equivalent of Michael Phelps, but in forgetting, not swimming (although I can swim. not fast, and not for super long—mostly because I forget how many laps I’ve already done…):
-You forget that Doctor Who has new episodes on Saturdays
-You forget that it’s Saturday

Why are these pros? Because at some point you come across something Doctor Who related—be it a T-shirt, a sonic screwdriver, or the Tardis (in T-shirt, keychain, and mug size), and you’re suddenly reminded that not only does Doctor Who have new episodes on Saturdays, but it IS Saturday! It’s like a surprise every week.

Cons of being the equivalent of Michael Phelps, but in forgetting, not swimming (didn’t I write that already?):
-You forget that you have a lesson to plan for the nine-year-old class for church tomorrow (hello, you forgot it was Saturday, which means you also forgot tomorrow was Sunday).

Now you might think that this is only a con come Sunday morning—like “Doh! *facepalm* I need to prepare a lesson”—but you’d be wrong. The reason that this is a con is because, while you’re celebrating the fact that it’s Saturday and Saturday means a new episode with the Doctor and Clara, your husband will say, “We should plan out lessons before we watch the Doctor.” This is the part where you facepalm, slump your shoulders and say “fine,” and then run off to your room to write about the whole experience on your blog while listening to a cd that has nothing on it, but an hour of the ocean sounds and pretend you’re back home in Hawaii and that the sound is coming from outside.

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