Friday, May 31, 2013

One Sugar-Free Month: Almost-Check

tia's wedding 116

So May has been the month of no sugar (well, almost. There was the cupcake incident, but we try not to talk about that). We had our designated sugar-days, and let me tell you something, I did not feel empowered at all by this experience.

Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be—Jake would disagree because he was the one who listened to a non-stop stream of “I want cookies!” “I want chocolate.” “Just one m&m?”—but it wasn’t easy. I guess it’s sad really that I have so little self-control that I have major trouble saying no to chocolate. There were days where from the moment I woke up to the minute I went to bed, I was thinking about chocolate and sugar. I don’t crave hard candies, or lollypops. We have some lollypops sitting on our dresser from a while ago, and those were never a temptation for me during this experience (an experience which will be officially over at 12:01 tonight. I have marshmallows, and mini-m&ms just for the occasion—I’m making rice crispy treats with mini-m&ms: my ultimate weakness). My main cravings were cake, chocolate, rice crispy treats, chocolate, donuts, chocolate, ice cream, and chocolate. :) Did I mention chocolate? Seriously, some days I thought I was going to lose what little self-control I had and run out to Walmart and buy and entire box of the $0.99 chocolate bars. I would have killed for a kit-kat.

That being said, this experience was definitely a good one though. You’re thinking, “Danica? Are you insane? Didn’t you just tell me about your crazy mad pregnant woman cravings?” (No, I’m not pregnant).

Yes, I did just tell you all that, and it’s all true. Both statements are. Here’s the thing: this was a good experience because I definitely learned something about myself. Remember how I mentioned that we had scheduled sugar days? Well, on these days I felt a sense of freedom. No one could tell me I couldn’t eat something. I could eat whatever I wanted! Well, a particular thing happened on these days. I didn’t crave sugar—I still ate it, don’t get me wrong—but it wasn’t on my mind constantly. As soon as the sugar day was over, I was strong for the next few days…and then the cravings would hit.

So, here’s my thinking: When I’m told I can’t have something, I obsess over it. I’m like a dog; I just get fixated on this one thing and I have trouble focusing, or redirecting my attention elsewhere. If I know that what I was previously told I can’t have (sugar, in this case) is now an option, my mind clears, and sometimes I don’t even want it any way.

Does that make sense?

Well, the countdown to my massive sugar intake starts now: 9 hours and 33 minutes to go.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Danica! It's good to do self-imposed hard things once in awhile :) (as if life wasn't hard enough on it's own! ha!)
