Friday, October 16, 2009

A story from the minds of the brilliant mad


there was a funny looking girl named Nelli. But the fact was she was not funny looking at all, in actuality she was a BEAUTIFUL Princess who ruled the world! so on one of her "ruling the world days," she noticed that some of her servants had died in horrible murderous looking deaths....but she wanted to paint her nails, so they'd have to wait. Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the room where she was painting her nails and spilled the bottle of nail polish.
"Damn it!" she said, running towards the window to slam shut. "DANICA," she called to her servent girl who rushed into the room to do what ever the Princess desired.
"yess, princess." Danica said, her bum leg dragging behind her as she wheezed up the stairs, why the hell does the princess live 40 stories up, it's not like there's a dragon guarding her...if we could be so lucky.

"Clean up this mess, and when you are done with that finish painting my nails.... i need to look my best for when Duke Sam comes to visit."
"the duke is coming again, princess?" Danica said, i wish i had a prince...hell i wish i could walk.

The two gilrs had a love hate relationship that upon closer look would reveale the true affection they felt for eachother, unfortunately they both wanted the duke for themselves. How couldn't they, every girl in the kingdom wanted him, they suspected there might be a blonde dragon who had the hots for him....he might be under her evil spell.
to be continued....

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