Monday, November 23, 2009

attacks on faith

What can you tell someone who believes you’re evil? Someone who thinks not just ill of you, but thinks of you the way an exorsist thinks of the damned? How do you show them the light? The peace? The hope? How do you express the wholeness you feel? How do you show them the blessings?

My once friend asked me a question. Are you a Christian? I answered, as I’ve always believed, as I believe and as I know is truth: Yes. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As stated in our name, we are followers of Christ. He then began his bashing. Telling me I was not only wrong, but hell-driven, and gravely mistaken. He spoke of our beloved prophet, claiming he was out for naught but power. I asked him to show me the power, or the money he received, because it was none. Joseph Smith received ridicule. He received burns from hot tar. He received lifelong scars that came from the removal of the tar. He was a patient and God-loving man. They say it’s healthy to be god-fearing. To a degree I agree. But I also believe that love is a greater tool than fear. I fear a snake’s venom, but this makes me avoid the snake. I love my Father in Heaven, I love Christ, thus I seek after them and seek to be obedient to their commandments. Do I fail? Of course, I am human.

He called us a “flippin cult,” Furthermore he says, “ its only been recent you’ve added Jesus Christ to your name for political reasons. You’ve been taught many lies growing up and now will learn the hard way unless you understand what is truth!...but I want you to realize just like you I have 18 years under my belt with my faith. So yea I don’t move easily when I look at the bible and the book of mormon. It doesn’t add up at all.” But he didn’t read it. He googled it. He youtubed it. He didn’t try to understand. I never asked him to convert. Never asked him to get baptized.

I just answered a question.

My association with this unnamed satan follower….ok he’s not really a satan follower but it sure felt like it sometimes, anyway my association with this unnamed boy has been severed. That bridge has been burnt. Do I hope he burns in hell?


No. I can’t. it’s not really in my nature. Nor is it Christian to do so. :) thus I hope he finds his way to heaven…somehow. I’m not going to pursue the friendship anymore though, it doesn’t bring anything but contention and I won’t have that. I wish him the best. And I have this to say and then I won’t think of it again…until next fast & testimony meeting…it’s not a wonder he doesn’t have any friends, he tells them all what they believe, he gets his information from faulty resources, and they become frustrated because he won’t listen to truth, won’t listen to reason, so they drop him. As I have done.

My piece is said. And I know that I am at peace with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

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