Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the story continued from the minds of the genius...es

Key: Danica Nelli (anything in italics is singing)

So after Princess Nelli and her igor, Danica, found the duke, they questioned his relationship with the blonde dragon. All the while, Princess Nelli was thinking about other men and Danica was thinking about another Igor because tey both know they could never win the Duke's heart. Plus they didn't really want it, he was the hunchback really, and he was more-or-less a part of their club and you can't date club members cause that's weird!! But they both thought about it...back to the questioning...To dragon or not to dragon, that is to say, would they allow the Duke/Hunchback to get eaten by a dragon? With fallen faces they let the dragon eat the Duke because they knew it made him happy. No more trio...
I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, our trio's down to two...
oh :(
The sweet caress of twilight, there's magic everywhere, and with all this romanic atmosphere, DISASTERS in the air!!
This makes me want to cry! Cursed DRAGON! Don't eat my friend...i kill you
Oh dear, Back to the story!
So one day (after disowning the Duke) Princess Nelli said Danica could be a princess too because they're cousins so it's only right. "But there is only ONE Goddess and that's ME!" uh...ok, anyway so Princess Nelli and Princess Danica were surfing one day when all of the sudden a walrus flopped onto Danica's board. The quick-thinking Danica pulled out a wigi board and called upon the ocean spirits to save her. They came and said "You bad girl, you should not have a wigi board..." so a shark came and ate it. Just as it bit the wigi board it also bit Nelli's arm and leg off. Nelli said " YOU M&%@!^&F%#(?}S#&(B$%$#$ and she pulled out her knife with her unhurt arm and cut the $%^&*(*&^%$$%^&* to pieces...she was crazed and almost cut off her good leg, but didn't. Unfortunately all the blood had attracted other sharks so soon danica and Nelli were surrounded. Danica quickly pretended to be dead, like an opossum. Nelli continued to yell and out of nowhere a canoe full of sexy mustaches came to rescue the girls. The most handsome mustache jumped into the water and pick up both girls. He saw Danica and fell in love. He threw Nelli on the canoe and said "Take care of the bleeding one." Nelli was floating in and out of consciousness, she met a mustache on the canoe who held her and said, "Unfortunately you're going to die." Upon hearing this Nelli knocked the mustache off his face and said, "Nuh-uh!" Once his mustache came off she noticed he was quite sexy and said "Oops..." she turned her head from left to right in embarrassment, "My bad." Danica saw this and laughed, then passionately jumped off the canoe into the blood-ridden waters to rescue her surfboard. Nelli suddenly saw a giant whale, but she spoke whale and asked it not to hurt her igor. Then Nelli turned to Danica and said, "Your priorities are wacked! Get back up here and kiss your mustache and come clog up my bleeding. Aren't you a lifeguard?" Danica responded with "I'd rather be at scare school...Boo."
the end...for now

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