Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 9

9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

  1. My 7th grade English teacher: she was the first person I remember telling me that I had a real talent for writing. She was one of the first people that made me think that writing could be something I could do as a career, something that I could always carry with me throughout my life.
  2. The Ocean: whoever tells you that the ocean is not a person has never really met her (of course the ocean is a woman). She taught me that life is unpredictable, that you should always be watching for what is coming, but you shouldn’t let it consume you either. She taught me that you can’t worry about the wave you missed or the wave you may or may not catch. The only thing you can control is how you ride the wave you’re on. She taught me that falling down and getting scratched up is part of life and so is getting up. She taught me to relax when I’m scared. Most importantly, she taught me that, even though her moods were fierce, she loves me. This sounds silly, but I know the ocean loves me because I always had fun, and joy is the next most important you can get out of life (love being the first).
  3. Stephen King: he taught me that it’s okay to get rejected, and that being rejected isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s something to be motivated by.
  4. My friends: I can’t list you guys all here (I mean I could, but I would go over my 10 people limit). You know who you are. You know how you’ve helped me, how you’ve influenced me, and how you’ve changed me. The friends I have are the friends that have stuck with me despite the moves and changes. I read a quote by Elbert Hubbard that says “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” I think that sums up my friends pretty well. (If you really want to know how you influenced me, just ask and I’ll tell you.)
  5. Taylor Swift & the Doctor: I’m going to sound like a 10-year-old, but they taught me not to be ashamed of things I love. I shouldn’t have to apologize for my taste in music or television. I like what I like; I spent a lot of time hiding the music I loved because I thought people would judge me. I was right. People will judge me, but who cares? I love listening to Taylor Swift, and I am a proud Whovian (who has, unfortunately, not seen a single episode since Clara and the Doctor’s last adventure before last summer).
  6. My parents: (Also not technically one person, but only 2 people on this list have been physically one person so far, so whatever.) How can the two people who raised you not affect you as a person? They helped mold me for my first 18-19 years of life. I’ve taken what I’ve learned, and I’ve matured (you know, to a degree).
  7. J.K. Rowling: she gave me two important things: 1. The backdrop for my childhood, and 2. An escape to a familiar place any time the world becomes too much for me. I am a child with adult responsibilities, and sometimes it’s nice to be a kid again. It’s nice to walk down the halls of Hogwarts and hang out with three of my best friends: Ron, Harry, and Hermione.
  8. Guinevere (my cat): she taught me that you can really love someone even though you’re really frustrated with them because they pooped on your rug for the gazillionth time. Real love is washing a poopy bum even though it’s a quarter to midnight, and you’re exhausted.
  9. Every single character in every book I’ve ever read: seriously, I become emotionally attached to fictional characters. I cried so hard when (SPOILER ALERT) Sirius died in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I was right there with Harry hoping Sirius had the mirror, praying that Sirius would be a ghost, and being totally devastated when both of these proved false. Sirius showed me how to have fun. Hermione taught me to be a responsible student (and that it’s occasionally okay to be a little rebellious). Princess Addie, from The Two Princesses of Bamarre, taught me to be courageous; and she taught me it was okay to fall for an older guy. I could write you a whole novel on all the fictional characters that have affected my life and how. I’ll leave you with those three though.
  10. My hubs: (like you didn’t know this was coming) he showed me that real love is the ability to be yourself around another person. It’s not having to wonder if they’re going to think you’re weird when you meow at them; it’s know they’re going to think you’re weird and love you anyway. Real love is helping you wash your cat’s poopy bum even though he didn’t want the cat in the first place. Jake influences me in so many ways every day, and I love him for it (and for a million other things).

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